
Tibetan Medicine

Tibetan Medicine is a complete, holistic system of medical science from the traditional culture of Tibet. This science of healing represents a continuous lineage of practice spanning many centuries. Tibetan Medicine is based upon four primary classical texts, known collectively as the “Gyud Zhi” (Four Tantras). The theory of Tibetan Medicine is based on the dynamic balance of the Five Elements, in the context of the elemental physiology of our human condition. This synergistic balance of the Five Elements expresses in our natural world, the seasons, our geographic locations, as well as each individual’s unique elemental constitution
SSI School of Tibetan Medicine

The International Shang Shung Institute was founded in 1989 by Professor Namkhai Norbu and inaugurated in 1990 by His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, as a non-profit, non-political heritage organisation dedicated to the preservation and study of Tibetan culture. Today there are everal branches around the world. Our School of Tibetan Medicine in Tenerife offers educational programs internationally.

Educational Programs SSI School of Tibetan Medicine TenerifeEducational Programs SSI School of Tibetan Medicine Tenerife:

  • Diet according to Tibetan Medicine
  • Kunye Massage & External herapies
  • Tibetan Self-Massage
  • Balancing the Wind Element for Mental Health
  • Free Online Webinars

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The Atiyoga Foundation (ATIF) is a cultural foundation that was created according to the wish of Prof. Namkhai Norbu to support the evolution of the individual through the different cultural forms or areas of the mind that Namkhai Norbu developed during his life to make available “favorable conditions for bringing out the potentiality of the human being”.
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