
Starting the evolution

The Dzogchen teaching helps the evolution process. It does not ask you to accept some rules, telling you to be this way or that way. What the teaching always says is, “Be free.” If you are not free you cannot find your real dimension. If you are free, you recognize that you are the number one in your world and you can be the starting point of everything you wish to see manifested. That can be truly useful for everybody in our society. Particularly for young people, young students, because they have their whole life in front of them. If they know how to develop their knowledge, then it becomes something of real significance. Normally, we do not observe ourselves at all. We want to change the way other people think, but this is impossible. In this case, it is much better if I observe myself, discovering which part of that problem I created. When I discover that, I can change it. I can modify it. Earlier, I explained how all the infinite numbers start with one. If the number one modifies its attitude, changes and manifests in a different way, maybe then also the other numbers that have a relationship with it will change. Only if we observe and change ourselves first, can we change our reality. This is what evolution is. If we want to change or develop something good in our society, in our human condition, we need to evolve.
Not just talk and try to get others to agree with us.
Evolution means that you observe, you become aware of the situation and then you do your best for yourself and for others. This means that you are overcoming your ego. In general this is not so easy. Also, when many egos get together, for example because they share the same ideas, they form a big ego group. Then that group fights with another group. This is not evolution. This is the root of suffering and problems. Evolution means being aware. And that in turn means that first of all you take yourself as an example.


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The Atiyoga Foundation (ATIF) is a cultural foundation that was created according to the wish of Prof. Namkhai Norbu to support the evolution of the individual through the different cultural forms or areas of the mind that Namkhai Norbu developed during his life to make available “favorable conditions for bringing out the potentiality of the human being”.
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