RESPIRA METHOD is the method, developed by Fabio Andrico, that helps to deconstruct old breathing patterns, to let go of tensions, and allows you to rediscover and enjoy breathing in the most natural and conscious sense, freeing it from unhealthy habits, and letting it float, in the clear conscious presence of all its movements. Breathing, as we know, is the gateway to our energy, the bridge that connects mind and body. If our body and our energy are relaxed, our mind can also have little or no tension and really relax. Conscious breathing, conscious movements of our body and a correctly and naturally aligned posture allow our inner harmony to manifest. RESPIRA METHOD is a simple and effective breathing method that teaches how to find fluid, full, deep breathing and integrate it into our lives. As scientific and applied research consistently shows, breathing well is vital, being the key to a positive and relaxed state of mind, deep sleep, good digestion, stabilised blood pressure and countless other health benefits.