
Tibetan Language

What we define 'Tibetan Dharma Language' or 'Classical Tibetan language' is a highly sophisticated, technical and specialised language used in Tibet particularly to formulate mostly Dharma related topics.
This language is extremely conservative and has remained virtually identical in the last thousand years or so. It is an indispensable tool for all those interested in Buddhism, Tibetan traditions, sciences and culture and its knowledge at all levels gives access to the marvels of that world, which is very difficult to translate to other languages with all its subtleties, imagery, technicalities and imaginative formulations.
Tibetan language has not only been used to preserve and transmit most of Indian Buddhist literature in translation, but it has been and still is also the expressive instrument of Tibetan Masters, yogins and scholars of great erudition and realisation of all times. Knowledge of Classical Tibetan language is particularly helpful for practitioners of Tibetan spiritual traditions, and is a priceless resource for students of medicine, arts and other sciences.

Drajyor Educational Program

The Drajyor (སྒྲ་སྦྱོར་) is a system devised by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu to precisely represent the phonology of the Standard Tibetan Language, using the roman alphabet. Being very precise, this system is highly technical and rather complex. It is extremely useful for both students of Tibetan Language, as a support and reference to correct pronunciation, as well as for practitioners of the Dzogchen Community to correctly pronounce the tibetan texts of the practices.

The courses include beginners and intermediate classes, guided translation classes, weekend workshops on different kinds of texts and so forth. As a culmination of our language related activities, every year we hold an intensive Tibetan translator training over the period of around one month for students coming from all over the world. In recent years, we have also been offering onsite calligraphy workshops and intensive colloquial Tibetan courses.
Zikhang Library (Merigar Arcidosso -GR-Italy)
The library was originally created from the need to preserve the texts that the Master brought with him from Tibet and the works that gradually became necessary for his studies. Hence what was and is essentially the personal library of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu is now accessible to scholars, practitioners, and also to those who are simply interested in some aspect of Tibetan culture. There are not many libraries like this in Italy and even in the world so it was only fitting that this treasure was developed and made available.

Upcoming events and courses, of the Tibetan Language, in the world

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Date: 20 March 2025
(Online)with Fabian Sanders

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The Atiyoga Foundation (ATIF) is a cultural foundation that was created according to the wish of Prof. Namkhai Norbu to support the evolution of the individual through the different cultural forms or areas of the mind that Namkhai Norbu developed during his life to make available “favorable conditions for bringing out the potentiality of the human being”.
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